If you like traveling and you are always looking for the best prices, momondo is an application with which you can plan your flights and get the most accessible prices for hotels and flights. You can use it to manage your whole traveling adventure from your mobile device, really easily.
momondo tracks your location to make purchasing the tickets easier, finding the nearest airport, so you only have to choose a destination point. You can still change the starting point, obviously. You also have to specify the dates in which you want to travel, and look for the best offer among the companies that fly between those two cities.
Once your flight is reserved, you can book a hotel room too. If you haven't decided yet, momondo has a special feature that lets you find available rooms near you when you make the search. This is great for traveling with friends without a clear destination, since you can automatically find a place to stay, in just seconds.
This application incorporates a great number of filters for the search, helping you find hotels and flights that match your personal preference. It also lets you see the search results in your own currency, so you're sure to get the right price for your budget and your country.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 8.0 or higher required
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